“You really shouldn’t eat that ice cream or those French fries and especially that pizza if you want your acne to go away or you will have pizza face acne.”, says your friend. Have you ever heard something similar to that? Is your friend right? Do greasy foods like French fries, potato chips and pizza […]

Like myths about many things in life there are also acne myths. It is common for a really smart “philosopher” makes a new discovery and begins to inform people of his/her discovery. Word-of-mouth communication takes over and like the game where you whisper a phrase from person to to the next person you often get […]

Have you ever wondered if you were all alone in your struggle with acne? We can assure you that you are not alone, just take a look at the acne statistics. In most people, acne will last for about three to four years and in 15% of the cases, acne can continue for 8-12 years. […]

To get the bulleted list on acne facts without all the fluff here is a list of the most important facts about acne. There is no possible known way to prevent the development of acne. Acne is not caused by diet. No scientific connection has been found between diet and acne. ARTICLE: Does Greasy Food […]

It is important to know if your skin condition is acne or not. There are other skin conditions that mimic acne and you want to make sure that you know which you have so you can employ the right treatment. The skin conditions that mimic acne are: Rosacea This skin condition is very similar to […]

“How long will it take my acne to clear up? The prom is 7 days away and I sure hope this thing is gone by then. It sure will be embarrassing if this is not gone.” That is not an uncommon incident as comically it may appear. This is a great question regardless, “How long […]

The battle with acne is brutal enough without worrying about acne and self-esteem issues but it should be considered since the emotional impact can lead to depression and suicidal thoughts. Everyone will have their own way of relating to acne and this is worse for some than others. For example, a person that usually has […]

One of the most common questions we get from readers is, “How do I prevent acne?” Your genetics will play a role in your susceptibility to acne breakouts, which is one thing that you can do nothing about. Apart from that and although there is no known cure for acne there are measures you can […]

There are a number of different types of acne and in order to treat acne properly the type of acne present needs to be determined. Here is some information about the different types of acne: Acne Vulgaris is the most common acne affecting 60-70% of Americans at some time during their lives. Twenty percent of […]

One of the important questions when it comes to people with acne besides, “Why me?”, “What is Acne?”, “Does chocolate cause this? Potato chips? Salt, sugar, what does this???” is the question, “What makes acne worse?” We feel that if we knew at least what makes acne worse we can suffer through the “teen blues” […]

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